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Changing Client Signers on Forms
000022257 - Knowledge - Published 03/06/2021 (Popularity = 4/100, Rating = 0.0/5)This How to Guide provides the user with a screen by screen guide on changing client signers on different forms. Third party responders require client authorisation from a bank mandated client signer before releasing client information to a requesting auditor. Different client signers can be assigned to different forms in a client profile.
Manual on SAAPS 6 Forms
000022165 - Knowledge - Published 17/11/2023 (Popularity = 4/100, Rating = 0.0/5)The South African Auditing Practice Statement (SAAPS) 6 provides implementation guidance to auditors when using external confirmation procedures to obtain audit evidence, either manually or electronically, from financial institutions to meet the requirements of ISA 505 External Confirmations. This user manual summarizes SAAPS6 and discusses how it is applicable to Confirmation.com. The different form types are also discussed in this user manual.