- Easy Add-ons User Guide

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Easy Add-ons User Guide

Published:  30/07/2024

Caseware IDEA Easy Add-ons

1. What are the Easy Add-ons? 

1.1 Introduction 

The Easy Add-on suite of apps comprise of Easy Extract, Easy Import, Easy Convert, Easy Integrate and Easy BI. 

The Easy Add-on apps have been developed for use with Caseware IDEA® and Caseware Working Papers. 

The main purpose of the Easy Add-on apps is to make using Caseware IDEA® easier and more efficient and to integrate the use of Caseware IDEA® with Caseware Working Papers. 

1.2 Easy Extract 

The main purpose of Easy Extract is to extract data tables from supported accounting information systems for further use by the other Easy Add-ons. 

1.3 Easy Import 

The main purpose of Easy Import is to import the data tables extracted from supported accounting information systems by Easy Extract into Caseware IDEA®. 

1.4 Easy Convert 

The main purpose of Easy Convert is to convert mapped data fields (of data tables extracted from supported accounting information systems and imported into Caseware IDEA®) into a standardised data format for use by Easy Integrate. 

1.5 Easy Integrate 

The main purpose of Easy Integrate is to integrate the use of Caseware IDEA® with Caseware Working Papers. 

1.6 Easy BI 

Your IDEA® installation package includes Caseware IDEA® ODBC Driver. Use IDEA® ODBC Driver to create User or System DSNs (32-bit or 64-bit) that can be used to connect other applications to your IDEA® databases so that you can create visualisations and reports outside of IDEA® in tools such as PowerBI, Tableau, Excel, etc. 

2. Installing the Easy Add-ons 

The Easy Add-ons must be installed as follows: 

  1. Obtain the installation file from the Caseware Community. 
  2. Run the installation file as Administrator. 
  3. The files relating to the Easy Add-ons will be installed at the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Caseware_IDEA_Easy_Addons. 
  4. Please ensure that the Security permissions on the Caseware_IDEA_Easy_Addons folder for All Application Packages and the User is set on Allow Full control. 


3. Using the Easy Add-ons to integrate Caseware IDEA® with Caseware Working Papers 

The CaseView document 250.IDEA.01 - Easy Integrate has been developed for use with Caseware Working Papers to facilitate the integration with Caseware IDEA®. 


A placeholder for this document is included in the IDEA® Integration folder in Caseware Working Papers and can be downloaded from the Caseware Community by following the link provided in the placeholder. 

The document has been designed to facilitate the process of using the Easy Add-ons in the integration process by following predefined steps. Each step must be completed successfully before proceeding to the next step in the integration process. 

In Step 1 – Preparing for the integration, the document facilitates the process of: 

  • Obtaining and executing Easy Extract to extract data tables from supported accounting information systems. 

  • Creating a new project in Caseware IDEA®. 

  • Executing Easy Import to import the data tables exported from the supported accounting information system into the newly created project in Caseware IDEA®. 

  • Executing Easy Convert to convert imported and mapped data fields into a standardised format for use by Easy Integrate. 

  • Linking the Caseware IDEA® project with the related Caseware Working Papers file. 

In Step 2 – Trial balance comparison, the document facilitates the process of: 

  • Comparing the engagement trial balance in Caseware Working Papers with the standardised system trial balance in Caseware IDEA® by executing Easy Integrate: TB_Compare. 

In Step 3 – General ledger comparison, the document facilitates the process of: 

  • Comparing the movement per general ledger account in the standardised system trial balance in Caseware IDEA® with the movement per general ledger account in the standardised system general ledger by executing Easy Integrate: GL_Compare. 

In Step 4 – General ledger understanding, the document facilitates the process of: 

  • Obtaining an understanding of the system general ledger by executing Easy Integrate: GL_Understand to prepare various analyses on the standardised system general ledger. 

In Step 5 – General ledger procedures, the document facilitates the process of: 

  • Executing procedures on the standardised system general ledger you selected by executing Easy Integrate: GL_Procedures. 

In Step 6 – General ledger disaggregation, the document facilitates the process of: 

  • Disaggregating the system general ledger data by executing Easy Integrate: GL_Split. 


4. Understanding the Process log and Errors log entries of the Easy Add-ons 

Every Easy Add-on creates entries in the Process log (IDEA® table: Log_Process) when the app is executed, except for Easy Extract. 

At a minimum, each execution of an Easy Add-on will result in a notification message that the process initiated and a notification message that the process completed. 

Where an error (or errors) occurs when an Easy Add-on is executed, a message will be included in the Process log to notify you that the process could not be completed because of the error(s) or that the process was completed with an error(s). 

Where an error (or errors) has occurred, a message (or messages) will also be included in the Errors log (IDEA® table: Log_Process_Errors). 

Please refer to Annexure A: Process and Error log entries. 


5. How to use Easy Extract 

5.1 What does Easy Extract do? 

Easy Extract extracts data tables of supported accounting information systems from the database of a selected entity in the accounting information system. 

Easy Extract only extracts the data tables in the applicable database that have records. I.e., data tables that do not have any records are not extracted. 

Easy Extract extracts all the fields and all the records of the data tables that are extracted. 

As part of the extraction process, Easy Extract obtains and saves the following control information from the applicable database in tables for further use by Easy Import: 

  • EasyImport_ExtractedTables 

This table includes the names of all the data tables extracted from the applicable database by Easy Extract. 

  • EasyImport_NonExtractedTables  

This table includes the names of all the data tables in the applicable database that were not extracted by Easy Extract. 

  • EasyImport_FieldNames  

This table includes the names of all the fields of all the data tables in the applicable database from which the extraction was made by Easy Extract. 

  • EasyImport_FieldType 

This table includes the field types of all the fields in all the data tables in the applicable database from which the extraction was made by Easy Extract. 

All the data tables and control information extracted by Easy Extract from the applicable database is compressed to a zip file which is password protected by Easy Extract. 

The accounting information systems that are currently supported by Easy Extract are Syspro and Sage 300. 

5.2 Where do I find Easy Extract? 

Easy Extract is available on the Caseware Community at the following location: Easy Extract. 

5.3 How do I execute Easy Extract? 

  1. Execute Easy Extract on the computer where the database of the accounting information system from which data tables must be extracted is located by double clicking on the executable file obtained from the Caseware Community. 


  1. Tick Use windows authentication or complete the Username and Password fields. 

  1. Complete the Server name and the Database name fields. 

  1. Click the Test Connection button. 


  1. This message will be displayed if the connection to the database is successful. Click the OK button to continue. 


  1. Browse to the location where the password protected zip file with the data tables extracted from the database must be saved. 

  1. Click the Export Data button to export the data tables. 

  1. When Easy Export has completed successfully, the message “Export was successful” will be displayed. 

5.4 How can I use the results of Easy Extract? 

The results of each execution of Easy Extract is a password protected zip file that can only be accessed and used by Easy Import. 


6. How to use Easy Import 

6.1 What does Easy Import do? 

Easy Import imports data tables extracted by Easy Extract into Caseware IDEA® through the following process: 

  1. Easy Import extracts the data tables compressed and saved in the password protected zip folder by Easy Extract to the folder where you have saved the relevant zip file. Depending on the aggregate size of the extracted data tables, this process can take some time to complete. 

  1. Easy Import imports the data tables into Caseware IDEA® using pre-defined Record Definition Files (‘RDFs’) that have been created for use with Easy Import. Depending on the aggregate size of the extracted data tables, this process can take some time to complete. 

  1. After importing a database table into Caseware IDEA®, Easy Import deletes the corresponding data table extracted from the zip file as described in 1. above. Data tables that have not been imported by Easy Import will not be deleted and will be available for you to access at the location where you saved the relevant zip file. 

  1. If a data table was extracted by Easy Extract for which Easy Import does not have an RDF available, the data table will not be imported into Caseware IDEA® by Easy Import. You can import this file using the Import function of Caseware IDEA located on the Home ribbon. 

  1. Easy Import creates the following tables with control information: 

  • EasyImport_TablesImported: this table includes the names of all the tables that have been imported into Caseware IDEA® by Easy Import from the applicable zip file. 

  • EasyImport_TablesNotImported: this table includes the names of all the tables that have not been imported into Caseware IDEA® by Easy Import from the applicable zip file. 

  1. Easy Import performs the following control procedures on the data tables imported into Caseware IDEA®: 

  • The number of records per data table that has been imported into Caseware IDEA® is compared to the number of records of that table in the database from which the data tables were extracted. The names of all the tables where the number of records of the imported data table in IDEA® does not agree to the number of records of the data table in the database will be included in the results table: Results_Imported_Record_Count_Differences. 

  • The tables imported into Caseware IDEA® are compared to the tables extracted from the database. All tables that were not imported into IDEA® will be included in the results table: Results_Extracted_Tables_Not_Imported. 

  • The fields per data table that have been imported into Caseware IDEA®, is compared to the fields for that data table in the database from which the data tables were extracted. All fields that have not been imported into IDEA® will be included in the results table: Results_Extracted_Fields_Not_Imported. 

  • The field types per field per data table that have been imported into Caseware IDEA® is compared to the field types per field per data table in the database from which the data tables were extracted. All fields imported of which the data type in IDEA® does not agree to the data type in the database will be included in the results table: Results_Imported_Field_Type_Differences. 
  • The field statistics of the numeric fields of the data tables imported into Caseware IDEA® are analysed to identify numeric fields that contain data errors after import. All the numeric fields that data errors will be included in the results table: Results_Imported_Bad_Data. 

6.2 Where do I find Easy Import? 

The button to initiate the execution of Easy Import is located on the Easy Add-ons ribbon that is created in Caseware IDEA® when the Easy Add-on apps are installed on your computer. 

6.3 How do I execute Easy Import? 

Before you can execute Easy Import, Easy Export must have been executed successfully. 

The following steps must be followed to execute Easy Import: 

  1. Create a new project in Caseware IDEA®. 

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated 

  1. Navigate to the Easy Add-ons ribbon. 

  1. Click the Easy Import button to initiate the execution of Easy Import. 


  1. Select the data source from the drop-down menu. Currently, the available options are Caseware, Syspro and Sage 300. 

  1. Click the Select button to proceed with the execution of Easy Import. 


  1. Click the Browse button and browse to the location where the zip file created by Easy Extract has been saved on your computer. Please ensure that the zip file is saved at a location on your computer where multiple data tables can be saved together. 

  1. Click the Run button to proceed with the importing of the data tables in the selected zip file. 

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated 

  1. When Easy Import is unable to import all the extracted data tables, this error message will be displayed. Click on the OK button to continue with the import process. Select OK to continue. 

6.4 How can I use the results of Easy Import? 

You can use the results of Easy Import to: 

  • Execute Easy Convert; or 

  • Perform your own procedures in Caseware IDEA® directly on the data tables of the accounting information system from which the data tables were extracted. 


7. How to use Easy Convert 

7.1 What does Easy Convert do? 

Easy Convert converts mapped data fields (of data tables extracted from supported accounting information systems using Easy Extract and imported into Caseware IDEA® using Easy Import) into a standardised data format for use by Easy Integrate. 

Easy Convert performs the conversion by applying a mapping library that has been developed for each of the supported accounting information systems. 

In the mapping library, selected data fields (from selected data tables) of the supported accounting information systems are mapped to standardised data tables and fields. 

To date, the development of the mapping library has been focussed on the data tables and fields relating to the general ledger. 

The accounting information systems that are currently supported by Easy Convert are Syspro and Sage 300. 

Easy Convert performs the conversion as follows: 

The password protected mapping library is unlocked and imported into Caseware IDEA®. 

Before Easy Convert commences with the conversion process, control procedures are performed to confirm that all the data tables and fields required for the conversion process is included in the IDEA® project. 

The conversion process is performed and the standardised data tables are created from the data tables and fields of the supported accounting information system that were extracted by Easy Extract and imported into Caseware IDEA® by Easy Import. 

System transaction data for the selected Fiscal year, the year preceding the selected Fiscal year and the year after the selected Fiscal year (to the extent available) will be included in the standardised transaction data tables. 

After the standardised data tables have been created, control procedures are performed for certain standardised tables to confirm that the standardised data tables have been created accurately and completely. 

The standardised tables are flagged (with a red flag) in the File Explorer of Caseware IDEA® and all the system data tables moved into the folder: System Data. 

7.2 Where do I find Easy Convert? 

The button to initiate the execution of Easy Convert is located on the Easy Add-ons ribbon that is created in Caseware IDEA® when the Easy Add-on apps are installed on your computer. 

7.3 How do I execute Easy Convert? 

Before you can execute Easy Convert, Easy Export and Easy Import must have been executed successfully. 

Please note that to successfully execute Easy Convert, the option to Enable Python integration must be ticked by accessing Options on the File ribbon of Caseware IDEA® as follows: 


The following steps must be followed to execute Easy Convert: 

  1. The relevant Caseware IDEA® project must be open. 


  1. Navigate to the Easy Add-ons ribbon. 

  1. Click the Easy Convert button to initiate the execution of Easy Convert. 

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated 

  1. Select the Company code and Fiscal year. 

  1. Click the OK button to continue with the conversion process. 

7.4 How can I use the results of Easy Convert? 

The results of Easy Convert can be used to: 

  • Execute Easy Integrate using the CaseView document 250.IDEA.00 - Easy Integrate in Caseware Working Papers; or 

  • Perform your own procedures in Caseware IDEA® on the standardised data tables. 


8. How to use Easy Integrate 

8.1 What does Easy Integrate do? 

Easy Integrate performs procedures executed from the CaseView document 250.IDEA.01 - Easy Integrate in Caseware Working Papers on the standardised data tables created by Easy Convert and insert the results tables prepared by Caseware IDEA® into the linked Caseware Working Papers file. 

8.2 Where do I find Easy Integrate? 

Easy Integrate is executed from Caseware Working Papers using the CaseView document 250.IDEA.01 - Easy Integrate. 

The CaseView document must be imported into your Caseware Working Papers file as follows: 

  1. In the Document Manager of your Caseware Working Papers file, double click on the placeholder 250.IDEA.00 – Easy Integrate. This will open a new tab in your file from the Caseware Community. 

  1. Right click on the Easy Integrate link and select “Open in New Tab”. 

  1. On the File Download message box, click the Open button. 

  1. Navigate to the Document Manager in your Caseware Working Papers file. 

  1. Drag and drop the CaseView document from your Downloads folder into the Document Manager in your Caseware File under the placeholder, as follows: 

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated 

  1. Please ensure that the number of the CaseView document is 250.IDEA.01 and that the name of the document is Easy Integrate. 

  1. Delete the placeholder. 

8.3 How do I execute Easy Integrate? 

Easy Integrate is executed by following the steps on document 250.IDEA.01 - Easy Integrate in Caseware Working Papers, as follows: 


  1. Complete the first Integration procedures on document 250.IDEA.00 - Easy Integrate to start with the integration process. If you have decided to integrate Caseware IDEA® with Caseware Working Papers and selected a supported accounting information system, Step 1 – Preparing for the integration will become available for you to continue with the process. 


  1. Complete the procedures relating to Easy Extract. 

Please note that Easy Extract is not executed from document 250.IDEA.00 - Easy Integrate, but must be obtained from the Caseware Community and executed on the computer hosting the database of the applicable accounting information system and entity. 

  1. Complete the procedures relating to Easy Import. 

Please note that Easy Import is not executed from document 250.IDEA.00 - Easy Integrate, but must be executed in Caseware IDEA® from the Easy Add-ons ribbon. 

Easy Import will create log entries in the Process Log (IDEA® table: Log_Process) and, if errors occurred during the execution of Easy Import, in the Errors Log (IDEA® table: Log_Process_Errors) that you must review to confirm whether Easy Import executed successfully and that the results of the import process can be used for further procedures. If you cannot confirm this, then you will not be able to proceed with the integration process. 


  1. Complete the procedures relating to Easy Convert. 

Please note that Easy Convert is not executed from document 250.IDEA.00 - Easy Integrate, but must be executed in Caseware IDEA® from the Easy Add-ons ribbon. 

Easy Convert will create log entries in the Process Log (IDEA® table: Log_Process) and, if errors occurred during the execution of Easy Convert, in the Errors Log (IDEA® table: Log_Process_Errors) that you must review to confirm whether Easy Convert executed successfully and that the results of the import process can be used for further procedures. If you cannot confirm this, then you will not be able to proceed with the integration process. 

  1. Link the related IDEA® project to the Caseware Working Papers file by navigating to the folder where the project is located. 

Once you have successfully completed Step 1 – Preparing for the integration, you will be able to proceed to Step 2 – Trial balance comparison. 

8.4 IDEA® results tables inserted into the linked Caseware Working Papers file 

Results tables prepared by Caseware IDEA® are inserted by Easy Integrate into the IDEA® integration folder of the linked Caseware Working Papers file. 

Please take note of the following: 

  1. The IDEA® results tables inserted into Caseware Working Papers from the linked Caseware IDEA® project are copies of the results tables included in the IDEA® project and not “links” to the results tables included in the IDEA® project. 

  1. When you open a results table in Caseware Working Papers, the table will open in Caseware IDEA®. If the linked IDEA® project is open on your computer, it may seem that the table in the linked IDEA® project has been opened. Please note that it is not the results table in the linked IDEA® project that has been opened, but the copy of the results table included in the Caseware Working Papers file. 

  1. When you open an IDEA® results table in Caseware Working Papers and Caseware IDEA® is open in an IDEA® project that is not the linked project, then the results table will be opened in that open project. Should you perform further analyses on the data in the results table and save it, the resultant table will be saved in the incorrect project. 

8.5 How to use Easy Integrate: TB_Compare 

8.5.1 What does TB_Compare do? 

  1. Easy Integrate: TB_Compare compares the engagement trial balance in Caseware Working Papers with the standardised system trial balance in Caseware IDEA®. 

  1. Data from the engagement trial balance is exported from Caseware Working Papers and imported into the linked IDEA® project. 

  1. The prior year balance per general ledger account in the engagement trial balance (IDEA® table: CWWP_Trial_Balance) is compared with the prior year balance (before closing entries) in the standardised system trial balance (IDEA® table: GL_Trial_Balance). 

  1. The current year balance per general ledger account in the engagement trial balance (IDEA® table name: CWWP_Trial_Balance) is compared with the current year balance (up to accounting period 13) in the standardised system trial balance (IDEA® table: GL_Trial_Balance). 

  1. The following results tables are prepared by TB_Compare and included in the General Ledger folder in the relevant IDEA® project: 

  • Results_TB_Compare=SummByResultCat 

In this results table, the results of the comparison of the engagement trial balance in Caseware Working Papers with the standardised system trial balance in Caseware IDEA® (refer to IDEA® table: TB_Compare) are summarised based on the classification of the results of the comparison for each general ledger account. 

The results of the comparison are classified as follows: 

1. No Exceptions: 

General ledger accounts where the prior fiscal period balance and the current fiscal period balance agree between the two trial balances are included in this category.  

2. Exceptions: 

General ledger accounts where the prior fiscal period balance and/or the current fiscal period balance does not agree between the two trial balances are included in this category. 

The summarised results classification is included in the field RESULTC_TB_COMPARISON. 

The summarised results description is included in the field RESULT_TB_COMPARISON. 

  • Results_TB_Compare=SummByFSA 

In this results table, the results of the comparison of the engagement trial balance in Caseware Working Papers with the standardised system trial balance in Caseware IDEA® (refer to IDEA® table: TB_Compare) are summarised by Financial Statement Area. 

  • Results_TB_Compare=Exceptions 

In this results table, only the general ledger accounts (as extracted from IDEA® table: TB_Compare) are included where differences have been identified in the comparison of the engagement trial balance in Caseware Working Papers and the standardised system trial balance in Caseware IDEA®. 

  1. The results tables prepared by TB_Compare will be included in the IDEA integration folder in the linked Caseware Working Papers file. 


8.5.2 Where do I find TB_Compare? 

Easy Integrate: TB_Compare is executed from Caseware Working Papers by completing the procedures under Step 2 – Trial balance comparison on the CaseView document 250.IDEA.00 - Easy Integrate. 

8.5.3 How do I execute TB_Compare? 

Easy Export, Easy Import and Easy Convert must be executed successfully before Easy Integrate: TB_Compare can be executed. 

The following steps must be followed to execute TB_Compare: 


  1. Click the Execute TB_Compare button to initiate the execution of TB_Compare. When TB_Compare has completed, the message “Execute TB_Compare Complete” will be displayed. Click the OK button to continue. 

  1. Once TB_Compare has completed, review the log entries in the Process log (IDEA® table: Log_Process) and the Errors log (IDEA® table: Log_Process_Errors) and confirm that the results can be used for further procedures. If you cannot confirm this, then you will not be able to proceed with the integration process. 

  1. If you have confirmed that the results of TB_Compare can be used for further procedures, you can proceed with reviewing the results prepared by TB_Compare included in the table Results_TB_Compare=SummByResultsCat located in the General Ledger folder in the linked IDEA® project. 

  1. If your answer for this procedure is “Yes”, then you will be able to proceed to Step 3 – General ledger comparison. If your answer for this procedure is “No”, then the following further procedures will be included on the document for you to complete: 


  1. Review the results in tables Results_TB_Compare=SummByFSA and Results_TB_Compare=Exceptions to identify the specific general ledger accounts where differences have been identified. 

  1. If your answer for this procedure us “Yes”, then you will be able to proceed to Step 3 – General ledger comparison. If your answer for this procedure is “No”, then you will not be able to proceed with the integration process. 


8.5.4 How can I use the results of TB_Compare? 

The results prepared by TB_Compare can be used to confirm whether the standardised system trial balance in Caseware IDEA® obtained directly from the database of the supported accounting information system, agrees with the related engagement trial balance in the linked Caseware Working Papers file. 

8.6 How to use Easy Integrate: GL_Compare 

8.6.1 What does GL_Compare do? 

  1. Easy Integrate: GL_Compare compares the movement per general ledger account in the standardised system trial balance (IDEA® table: GL_Trial_Balance) with the movement per general ledger account in the standardised system general ledger (IDEA® table: GL_Details) in Caseware IDEA®. 

  1. The following results tables are prepared by GL_Compare and included in the General Ledger folder in the relevant IDEA® project: 

  • Results_GL_Compare=SummByResultCat 

In this results table, the results of the comparison of the standardised system trial balance with the standardised system general ledger are summarised based on the classification of the results of the comparison for each general ledger account. 

The results of the comparison are classified as follows: 

1. No Exceptions: 

General ledger accounts where the movement for the current fiscal period in the standardised system trial balance agrees with the movement in the standardised system general ledger are included in this category. 

2. Exceptions: 

General ledger accounts where the movement for the current fiscal period in the standardised system trial balance does not agree with the movement in the standardised system general ledger are included in this category. 

The summarised results classification is included in the field RESULTC_GL_COMPARISON. 

The summarised results description is included in the field RESULT_GL_COMPARISON. 

  • Results_GL_Compare=SummByFSA 

In this results table, the results of the comparison of the standardised system trial balance with the standardised system general ledger in Caseware IDEA® (refer to IDEA® table: GL_Compare) are summarised by Financial Statement Area. 

  • Results_TB_Compare=Exceptions 

In this results table, only the general ledger accounts (as extracted from the IDEA® table: GL_Compare) are included where differences have been identified in the comparison of the standardised system trial balance and the standardised system general ledger in Caseware IDEA®. 

  1. The results tables prepared by GL_Compare will be included in the IDEA integration folder in the linked Caseware Working Papers file. 

8.6.2 Where do I find GL_Compare? 

Easy Integrate: GL_Compare is executed from Caseware Working Papers by completing the procedures under Step 3 – General ledger comparison on the CaseView document 250.IDEA.00 - Easy Integrate. 

8.6.3 How do I execute GL_Compare? 

Easy Integrate: TB_Compare must be executed successfully before Easy Integrate: GL_Compare can be executed. 

The following steps must be followed to execute GL_Compare: 


  1. Click the Execute GL_Compare button to initiate the execution of GL_Compare. When GL_Compare has completed, the message “Execute GL_Compare Complete” will be displayed. Click the OK button to continue. 

  1. Once GL_Compare has completed, review the log entries in the Process log (IDEA® table: Log_Process) and the Errors log (IDEA® table: Log_Process_Errors) and confirm that the results can be used for further procedures. If you cannot confirm this, then you will not be able to proceed with the integration process. 

  1. If you have confirmed that the results of GL_Compare can be used for further procedures, you can proceed with reviewing the results of GL_Compare included in the table Results_GL_Compare=SummByResultsCat located in the General Ledger folder in the linked IDEA® project. 

  1. If your answer for this procedure is “Yes”, then you will be able to proceed to Step 4 – General ledger understanding. If your answer for this procedure is “No”, then the following further procedures will be included in the document for you to complete: 


  1. Review the results in tables Results_GL_Compare=SummByFSA and Results_GL_Compare=Exceptions to identify the specific general ledger accounts where differences have been identified. 

  1. If your answer for this procedure us “Yes”, then you will be able to proceed to Step 4 – General ledger understanding. If your answer for this procedure is “No”, then you will not be able to proceed with the integration process. 


8.6.4 How can I use the results of GL_Compare? 

The results prepared by GL_Compare can be used to confirm whether the standardised system trial balance agrees with the standardised system general ledger in Caseware IDEA® (both obtained directly from the database of the supported accounting information system). 


8.7 How to use Easy Integrate: GL_Understand 

8.7.1 What does GL_Understand do? 

Easy Integrate: GL_Understand prepares the following analyses of the standardised general ledger (IDEA® table: GL_Details) in Caseware IDEA® and includes it in the General Ledger folder in the relevant IDEA® project: 

  • Results_GL_Understand=SummedByFSA 

In this results table, the transaction records included in the standardised system general ledger are summarised by Financial Statement Area based on the mapping of the general ledger accounts in the linked Caseware Working Papers file. 

  • Results_GL_Understand=SummBySourceCode 

In this results table, the transaction records included in the standardised system general ledger are summarised by source code as recorded in the accounting information system. 

  • Results_GL_Understand=SummByAccountingPeriod 

In this results table, the transaction records included in the standardised system general ledger are summarised by accounting period. 

  • Results_GL_Understand=SummByCreatedUser 

In this results table, the transaction records included in the standardised system general ledger are summarised by created user. 

  • Results_GL_Understand=SummByGLjournalBySourceCode 

In this results table, the transaction records included in the system general ledger are first summarised by general ledger journal number and then by source code. 

  • Results_GL_Understand=SummByGLjournalByFSA 

In this results table, the transaction records included in the standardised system general ledger are first summarised by general ledger journal number and then by Financial Statement Area. 

  • Results_GL_Understand=SummByCreatedUserBySourceCode 

In this results table, the transaction records included in the standardised system general ledger are first summarised by created user and then by source code. 

  • Results_GL_Understand=SummByCreatedUserByFSA 

In this results table, the transaction records included in the standardised system general ledger are first summarised by created user and then by Financial Statement Area. 

  • Results_GL_Understand=SummBySourceCodeByFSA 

In this results table, the transaction records included in the system general ledger are first summarised by source code and then by Financial Statement Area. 

The results tables prepared by GL_Understand will be included in the IDEA integration folder in the linked Caseware Working Papers file. 


8.7.2 Where do I find GL_Understand? 

Easy Integrate: GL_Understand is executed from Caseware Working Papers by completing the procedures under Step 4 – General ledger understanding on the CaseView document 250.IDEA.00 - Easy Integrate. 


8.7.3 How do I execute GL_Understand? 

Easy Integrate: GL_Compare must be executed successfully before Easy Integrate: GL_Understand can be executed. 

The following steps must be followed to execute GL_Understand: 


  1. Click the Execute GL_Understand button to initiate the execution of GL_Understand. When GL_Understand has completed, the message “Execute GL_Understand Complete” will be displayed. Click the OK button to continue. 

  1. Once GL_Understand has completed, review the log entries in the Process log (IDEA® table: Log_Process) and the Errors log (IDEA® table: Log_Process_Errors) and confirm that the results can be used for further procedures. If you cannot confirm this, then you should not proceed with the review of the results. 

  1. If you have confirmed that the results of GL_Understand can be used for further procedures, you can proceed with reviewing the results of GL_Understand that have been prepared to assist you with gaining a basic understanding of the transaction records that were processed in the system general ledger during the selected fiscal period. 


  1. If you have confirmed that the results of GL_Understand can be used for further procedures, you can also proceed with reviewing the results of GL_Understand that have been prepared to assist you with gaining a deeper understanding of the transaction records that were processed in the system general ledger during the selected fiscal period. 


8.7.4 How can I use the results of GL_Understand? 

The results prepared by GL_Understand can be used to obtain an understanding of the transaction records that were processed in the system general ledger during the selected fiscal period and to incorporate that understanding in the relevant sections of your engagement. 

8.8 How to use Easy Integrate: GL_Procedures 

8.8.1 What does GL_Procedures do? 

  1. Easy Integrate: GL_Procedures executes procedures that you select on the CaseView document 250.IDEA.00 - Easy Integrate on the standardised system general ledger (IDEA® table: GL_Details).  

  1. The following general ledger procedures and related results can be executed and prepared by GL_Procedures: 

  • Missing GL Journal Entries (results table: Results_GL_Procedures=MissingGLjournalEntries) 

This procedure is designed to identify missing general ledger journal entries using the field containing the journal number. The basic assumption for this procedure is that the general ledger journal entries are sequentially numbered and that there should be no gaps in the sequence.  

In this results table, the journal numbers (or number ranges) of any missing general ledger journal entries are included. 

The results of the procedure are classified as follows: 

All the results included in this table relate to missing general ledger journal entries and are accordingly exceptions. If the results table has no records, then no exceptions have been identified. 

Please note that this procedure is available for Syspro, but is not available for Sage 300. 

  • Out of Balance GL Journal Entries (results table: Results_GL_Procedures=OutOfBalanceGLjournalEntries) 

This procedure is designed to identify general ledger journal entries that are out of balance using the field containing the transaction amounts of each record in the relevant journal entry. 

In this results table, the summarised journal entries of the general ledger journal entries that are out of balance are included. 

The results of the procedure are classified as follows: 

All the results included in this table relate to general ledger journal entries that are out of balance and are accordingly exceptions. If the results table has no records, then no exceptions have been identified. 

  • Duplicate GL Journal Entry records (results table: Results_GL_Procedures=DuplicateGLjournalEntryRecords) 

This procedure is only performed on the general ledger journal entries that originated in the general ledger. The procedure is designed to identify general ledger journal entries with duplicate records that have been processed more than once using the fields containing the journal number, the general ledger account number and the transaction amount. The duplicate records may or may not be valid.  

General ledger journal entry records are included in the results of this procedure if the values of the fields JOURNAL_NUMBER, GL_ACCOUNT_NUMBER and FUNCTIONAL_AMOUNT are the same. 

In this results table, the journal entry records of the general ledger journal entries are included. 

The results of the procedure are classified as follows: 

All the results included in this table relate to duplicated general journal entry records and are accordingly exceptions to be reviewed and investigated where determined as necessary. If the results table has no records, then no exceptions have been identified. 

  • GL Journal Entries Processed at the End of Year-End (results table: Results_GL_Procedures=GLjournalsProcessedAtTheEndOfYearEnd 

This procedure is only performed on the general ledger journal entries that originated in the general ledger. The procedure is designed to extract all general ledger journal entries that originated in the general ledger and that were processed after the specified date before the end of the financial period. 

In this results table, the summarised journal entries of the extracted general ledger journal entries are included. 

The results of the procedure are not classified. 

  1. The results tables of GL_Procedures will be included in the IDEA integration folder in the linked Caseware Working Papers file. 


8.8.2 Where do I find GL_Procedures? 

Easy Integrate: GL_Procedures is executed from Caseware Working Papers by completing the procedures under Step 5 – General ledger procedures on the CaseView document 250.IDEA.00 - Easy Integrate. 


8.8.3 How do I execute GL_Procedures? 

Easy Integrate: GL_Understand must be executed successfully before Easy Integrate: GL_Procedures can be executed. 

The following steps must be followed to execute GL_Procedures: 



  1. Select the general ledger procedures that you want GL_Procedures to perform on the standardised general ledger (IDEA® table: GL_Details) in Caseware IDEA®. 


  1. Click the Execute GL_Procedures button to initiate the execution of GL_Procedures. When GL_Procedures has completed, the message “Execute GL_Procedures Complete” will be displayed. Click the OK button to continue. 

  1. Once GL_Procedures has completed, review the log entries in the Process log (IDEA® table: Log_Process) and the Errors log (IDEA® table: Log_Process_Errors) and confirm that the results can be used for further procedures. If you cannot confirm this, then you should not proceed with the review of the results. 

  1. If you have confirmed that the results of GL_Procedures can be used for further procedures, you can proceed with reviewing the results of GL_Procedures for the selected procedures located in the General Ledger folder in the linked IDEA® project. 


8.8.4 How can I use the results of GL_Procedures? 

The results prepared by GL_Procedures can be used to address the objectives of the related general ledger procedures. 


8.9 How to use Easy Integrate: GL_Split 

8.9.1 What does GL_Split do and how can I use the results? 

  1. Easy Integrate: GL_Split prepares disaggregated data tables from the standardised system general ledger (IDEA® table: GL_Details) in Caseware IDEA® for the Financial Statement Areas (‘FSAs’) in the linked Caseware Working Papers file and includes the data tables in separate folders per FSA in the linked IDEA® project.  

  1. The disaggregated data tables are included in the linked IDEA® project for each Financial Statement Area (FSA) as follows: 

  • Table name: FSAname (E.g. 405. Inventories) 

In this results table, all the transaction records from the system general ledger are included that relate to the FSA. 

You can use the results in this table to: 

  • Review the transaction records relating to the FSA for unusual entries. 

  • Update engagement documentation and procedures for the FSA as and where appropriate. 

  • Table name: FSAname=SummBySourceCode (E.g. 405. Inventories=SummBySourceCode) 

This table is a summary of the transaction records in the table FSAname. 

In this results table, the transaction records in the standardised system general ledger that relate to the FSA have been summarised by source code, then by source description and then by ERP subledger module. 

You can use the results in this table to: 

  • View and identify all the different source codes from which transactions included in the system general ledger for the FSA originated. 

  • Ensure that all the transaction source codes included in the system general ledger for the FSA are addressed in the relevant procedures planned for the FSA. 

  • Identify 'non-standard' source codes created by the entity. The field Source_Description will include the words 'Further refinement required' where Easy Convert has not been able to match the source code to the standard library of source codes for the selected accounting information system. 

  • Table name: FSAname=LSbyGroupNumberBySourceCode (E.g. 405. Inventories=LSbyGroupNumberBySourceCode) 

This table is a summary of the transaction records in the table FSAname. 

In this results table, the transaction records in the standardised system general ledger that relate to the FSA have been summarised by group number and then by general ledger account number and the aggregate transaction amounts allocated into separate fields for each source code for which transaction records are included in the relevant general ledger account. The last record in this results table calculates the total per field. The totals of this results table should agree to the related lead sheet in the linked Caseware Working Papers file. For lead sheets relating to the Statement of Financial Position, switch on the Show Amount Change property for the related lead sheet for easier comparison. 

You can use the results in this table to: 

  • Agree the disaggregated transaction data from the standardised system general ledger for the FSA to the related lead sheet in the linked Caseware Working Papers file. 

  • Identify the sources of the transaction records included in each general ledger account mapped to the FSA. 

  • Drill down into the transaction records per general ledger account mapped to the FSA. 

  • Table name: FSAname+origin=GL (E.g. 405. Inventories+origin=GL) 

This table is an extraction of transaction records from the table FSAname. 

In this results table, transaction records from the standardised system general ledger are included that relate to the FSA and that did not originate from a sub-module of the accounting information system. 

You can use the results in this table to identify all the transaction records relating to the FSA that originated in the system general ledger. 

  • Table name: FSAname origin=GL+sourcecode=n (E.g. 405. Inventories origin=GL+sourcecode=JE) 

This table is an extraction of transaction records from the table FSAname+origin=GL. 

In this results table, transaction records from the standardised system general ledger are included that relate to the FSA, which originated in the system general ledger and that relate to the indicated source code. 

You can use the results in this table to select transaction records for further procedures if you are able to confirm that the transaction records represent the transaction level entries (i.e., that the transaction records do not relate to aggregated or batched transactions or different transaction types).  

  • Table name: FSAname+origin=submod (E.g. 405. Inventories+origin=submod) 

This table is an extraction of transaction records from the table FSAname. 

In this results table, transaction records from the standardised system general ledger are included that relate to the FSA and that originated from a sub-module of the accounting information system. 

You can use the results in this table to identify all the transaction records relating to the FSA that originated from a sub-module of the accounting information system. 

  • Table name: FSAname+origin=submod+sourcecode=n (E.g. 405. Inventories origin=submod+sourcecode=AP) 

This table is an extraction of transaction records from the table FSAname+origin=submod. 

In this results table, transaction records from the standardised system general ledger are included that relate to the FSA, which originated from a sub-module of the accounting information system and that relate to the indicated source code. 

You can use the results in this table to select transaction records for further procedures if you are able to confirm that the transaction records represent the transaction level entries (i.e., that the transaction records do not relate to aggregated or batched transactions or different transaction types). 

  1. Please note that the results tables of GL_Split will be included in the IDEA integration folder in the linked Caseware Working Papers file. 


8.9.2 Where do I find GL_Split? 

Easy Integrate: GL_Split is executed from Caseware Working Papers by completing the procedures under Step 6 – General ledger disaggregation on the CaseView document 250.IDEA.00 - Easy Integrate. 

8.9.3 How do I execute GL_Split? 

Easy Integrate: GL_Understand must be executed successfully before Easy Integrate: GL_Split can be executed. 

The following steps must be followed to execute GL_Split: 


  1. Click the Execute GL_Split button to initiate the execution of GL_Splits. When GL_Split has completed, the message “Execute GL_Split Complete” will be displayed. Click the OK button to continue. 

  1. Once GL_Split has completed, review the log entries in the Process log (IDEA® table: Log_Process) and the Errors log (IDEA® table: Log_Process_Errors) and confirm that the results can be used for further procedures. If you cannot confirm this, then you should not proceed with the review of the results. 

  1. If you have confirmed that the results of GL_Split can be used for further procedures, you can proceed with reviewing the results of GL_Split per FSA in the linked IDEA® project. 


Annexure A: Process and Error log entries 

The Process and Error log entries for the different Easy Add-ons are as follows: 

Easy Add-on 

Log name 

Message category 

Error category 

Error code 

Message or Error details 

User guidance 

Easy Import 





Process initiated 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Import is initiated. 

Easy Import 





Process completed 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Import is completed without any runtime errors. 

Easy Import 


Process error 



Process did not execute completely: Please review the Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Import 





Process executed with errors: Please review the Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Import 



Records difference 


The number of records in certain imported tables do not agree to the corresponding extracted tables: Please review table "Results_Imported_Record_Count_Differences" in folder "Import Results" 

Consider whether the tables that have been imported into the IDEA® project with record differences are required for the further procedures that you intend to perform. 

If the tables are required, review the extracted tables in an appropriate text editor to determine whether there is “bad data” in the text files. 

If you can resolve the “bad data”, please re-import the text files (after resolving the “bad data”) into the IDEA® project using the Import task in Caseware IDEA®. 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 


Easy Add-on 

Log name 

Message category 

Error category 

Error code 

Message or Error details 

User guidance 

Easy Import 



Tables not imported 


Certain tables extracted by Easy Extract, have not been imported into IDEA®: Please review table "Results_Extracted_Tables_Not_Imported" in folder "Import Results" 

Consider whether the tables not imported into the IDEA® project are required for the further procedures that you intend to perform. 

If the tables not imported are required, please import the tables into the IDEA® project using the Import function in Caseware IDEA®. The related text files can be accessed at the location where the .zip file prepared by Easy Extract is saved on your computer. 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Import 



Fields not imported 


Certain fields extracted by Easy Extract, have not been imported into IDEA®: Please review table "Results_Extracted_Fields_Not_Imported" in folder “Import Results" 

Consider whether the fields not imported into the IDEA® project are required for the further procedures that you intend to perform. 

If the fields not imported are required, please re-import the related tables into the IDEA® project using the Import function in Caseware IDEA®. The related text files can be accessed at the location where the .zip file prepared by Easy Extract is saved on your computer. 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 


Easy Add-on 

Log name 

Message category 

Error category 

Error code 

Message or Error details 

User guidance 

Easy Import 



Field type differences 


Certain fields extracted by Easy Extract, have been imported into IDEA® with incorrect field types: Please review table "Results_Imported_Field_Type_Differences" in folder "Import Results” 

Consider whether the fields imported into the IDEA® project with incorrect field types are required for the further procedures that you intend to perform. 

If the fields are required, please delete the related tables from the IDEA® project and re-import the tables by using the Import function in Caseware IDEA®. The related text files can be accessed at the location where the .zip file prepared by Easy Extract is saved on your computer. 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Import 



Bad data 


Certain fields extracted by Easy Extract, have been imported into IDEA® with bad data in the records: Please review table "Results_Imported_Bad_Data" in folder "Import Results" 

Consider whether the tables and fields imported into the IDEA® project with bad data in certain fields and records are required for the further procedures that you intend to perform. 

If the tables are required, please delete the related tables from the IDEA® project and re-import the tables by using the Import function in Caseware IDEA®. The related text files can be accessed at the location where the .zip file prepared by Easy Extract is saved on your computer. 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Import 



General error 


IDEA® generated error message 

Consider the error message generated by IDEA® and attempt to resolve the error. 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 


Easy Add-on 

Log name 

Message category 

Error category 

Error code 

Message or Error details 

User guidance 

Easy Import, Convert, or Integrate 



List separator error 


Process cannot be executed: Conflict between decimal symbol and list separator 

Refer to the List_Separator_Guide for guidance on how to resolve this error. 

Easy Convert 





Process initiated 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Convert is initiated. 

Easy Convert 





Process completed 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Convert is completed without any runtime errors. 

Easy Convert 


Process error 



Process did not execute completely: Please review the Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Convert 





Process executed with errors: Please review the Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Convert 



Missing data 


Process cannot be executed: Easy Import IDEA® table EasyImport.IMD is not included in the IDEA® project 

Review the Process log to confirm that Easy Import has been executed without errors on the IDEA project. 

If Easy Import has not been executed without errors, please execute Easy Import without errors and execute Easy Convert again. 

If Easy Import has been executed without errors, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 


Easy Add-on 

Log name 

Message category 

Error category 

Error code 

Message or Error details 

User guidance 

Easy Convert 



Missing data 


Process cannot be executed: The mapping library is not included in the Easy Convert folder on this computer 

Confirm that the compressed (zipped) folder and the file is on your computer at the location "C:\Program Files (x86)\Caseware_IDEA_Easy_Addons". 

If the folder or the file is not on your computer at the referenced location, please reinstall the latest version of the Caseware IDEA® Easy Add-ons. 

If the folder and the file is on your computer at the referenced location, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Convert 



Missing data 


Process cannot be executed: The system table [table name] required for standard table [table name] is not included in the IDEA® project or does not have any records 

Review the Process log to confirm that Easy Import has been executed without errors on the IDEA® project. 

If Easy Import has not been executed without errors, please execute Easy Import without errors and execute Easy Convert again. 

If Easy Import has been executed without errors, please confirm that the system table is included in the database of the client's accounting information system and that it has records. 

If the system table is included in the client's database and it has records, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Convert 



Missing data 


Standard table cannot be created: Mapping library does not contain mapping information for standard table: [table name] 

Please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 


Easy Add-on 

Log name 

Message category 

Error category 

Error code 

Message or Error details 

User guidance 

Easy Convert 



Missing data 


Process cannot be executed: The system table [table name] required for standard table [table name] is not included in the IDEA® project 

Review the Process log to confirm that Easy Import has been executed without errors on the IDEA® project. 

If Easy Import has not been executed without errors, please execute Easy Import without errors and execute Easy Convert again. 

If Easy Import has been executed without errors, please confirm that the system table is included in the database of the client's accounting information system and that it has records. 

If the system table is included in the client's database and it has records, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Convert 



Missing data 


Process cannot be executed: The system table [table name] required for standard table [table name] does not include the following fields: [field names] 

Review the Process log to confirm that Easy Import has been executed without errors on the IDEA® project. 

If Easy Import has not been executed without errors, please execute Easy Import without errors and execute Easy Convert again. 

If Easy Import has been executed without errors, please confirm that the system table is included in the database of the client's accounting information system and that it has records. 

If the system table is included in the client's database and it has records, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details." 


Easy Add-on 

Log name 

Message category 

Error category 

Error code 

Message or Error details 

User Guidance 

Easy Convert 



Conversion error 

1507 or 1508 

The following standard table cannot be created: [table name] 

Please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Convert 



Missing data 


The following system table(s) is(are) not included in the IDEA® project: [table name(s)] 

Review the Process log to confirm that Easy Import has been executed without errors on the IDEA® project. 

If Easy Import has not been executed without errors, please execute Easy Import without errors and execute Easy Convert again. 

If Easy Import has been executed without errors, please confirm that the system table is included in the database of the client's accounting information system and that it has records. 

If the system table is included in the client's database and it has records, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Convert 



Conversion difference 


Standard table: [table name] has been created, but the aggregate value of standard field [field name] does not agree to system field [field name]. The difference is [amount] 

If the difference is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Convert 



Conversion difference 


Standard table: [table name] has been created, but the number of records in the standard table does not agree to the primary system table [table name]. The difference in records is [amount] 

If the difference is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 


Easy Add-on 

Log name 

Message category 

Error category 

Error code 

Message or Error details 

User guidance 

Easy Convert 



Conversion difference 


Standard table: [table name] has been created, but the aggregate value of standard field [field name] does not agree to system field [field name] and the number of records in the standard table does not agree to the primary system table. The difference in the aggregate amounts of the compared fields is [amount]. The difference in the number of records is [amount] 

If the difference is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Convert 



Conversion error 


Standard table or fields were not created: [table name] + [field names not created] 

If the difference is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Convert 



General error 


IDEA® generated error message 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Integrate 





Process initiated 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Integrate is initiated. 

Easy Integrate 





Process completed 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Integrate is completed without runtime errors. 

Easy Integrate 


Process error 



Process did not execute completely: Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 


Easy Add-on 

Log name 

Message category 

Error category 

Error code 

Message or Error details 

User guidance 

Easy Integrate 



CWWP instruction error 


Process cannot be executed: The table [table name] is not included in the IDEA® project or the table has missing fields or no records 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Integrate 



Easy Import table error 


Process cannot be executed: The table [table name] is not included in the IDEA® project or the table has missing fields or no records 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Integrate 



CWWP import error 


Process cannot be executed: The table [table name] is not included in the IDEA® project 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Integrate 



CWWP import error 


Process cannot be executed: The table [table name] is not included in the IDEA® project or the table has missing fields or no records 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Integrate 



General error 


IDEA® generated error message 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Integrate: TB_Compare 





Process initiated 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Integrate: TB_Compare is initiated. 

Easy Integrate: TB_Compare 





Process completed 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Integrate: TB_Compare is completed without any runtime errors. 


Easy Add-on 

Log name 

Message category 

Error category 

Error code 

Message or Error details 

User guidance 

Easy Integrate: TB_Compare 


Process error 



Process did not execute completely: Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred. Refer to the Errors log for more information 

Easy Integrate: TB_Compare 



General error 


IDEA® generated error message 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Compare 





Process initiated 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Integrate: GL_Compare is initiated. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Compare 





Process completed 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Integrate: GL_Compare is completed without any runtime errors. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Compare 


Process error 



Process did not execute completely: Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Compare 


Process error 



Error in program function: Prep_GL. Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred in a specific function. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Compare 


Process error 



Error in program function: GL_Compare. Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred in a specific function. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Compare 



General error 


IDEA® generated error message 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 


Easy Add-on 

Log name 

Message category 

Error category 

Error code 

Message or Error details 

User guidance 

Easy Integrate: GL_Understand 





Process initiated 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Integrate: GL_Understand is initiated. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Understand 





Process completed 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Integrate: GL_Understand is completed without any runtime errors. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Understand 


Process error 



Process did not execute completely: Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Understand 


Process error 



Error in program function: PrepCWWP_Trial_Balance. Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred in a specific function. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Understand 


Process error 



Error in program function: PrepGL_Source. Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred in a specific function. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Understand 


Process error 



Error in program function: PrepGL_Details. Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred in a specific function. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Understand 


Process error 



Error in program function: Summarise_GL. Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred in a specific function. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Understand 



General error 


IDEA® generated error message 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 


Easy Add-on 

Log name 

Message category 

Error category 

Error code 

Message or Error details 

User guidance 

Easy Integrate: GL_Split 





Process initiated 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Integrate: GL_Split is initiated. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Split 





Process completed 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Integrate: GL_Split is completed without runtime errors. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Split 


Process error 



Process did not execute completely: Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Split 


Process error 



Error in program function: Create_FSAname_Folders. Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred in a specific function. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Split 


Process error 



Error in program function: Extraction_FSAname. Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred in a specific function. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Split 


Process error 



Error in program function: Move_ExtractedTables. Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred in a specific function. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Split 


Process error 



Error in program function: GLsumm_ByFSAname. Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred in a specific function. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Split 


Process error 



Error in program function: SplitGLentriesGLorSubmod. Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred in a specific function. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Split 


Process error 



Error in program function: Split_GLentriesOriginGL_BySourceCode. Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred in a specific function. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 


Easy Add-on 

Log name 

Message category 

Error category 

Error code 

Message or Error details 

User guidance 

Easy Integrate: GL_Split 


Process error 



Error in program function: Split_GLentriesOriginSubmod_BySourceCode. Please review Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred in a specific function. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Split 



General error 


IDEA® generated error message 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Procedures 





Process initiated 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Integrate: GL_Procedures is initiated. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Procedures 





Process completed 

This message is entered in the Process log when the execution of Easy Integrate: GL_Procedures is completed without runtime errors. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Procedures 


Process error 



Process did not execute completely: Please review the Errors log 

This message is entered in the Process log when an error occurred. Refer to the Errors log for more information. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Procedures 



Procedure not executed 


The following procedure was selected but not executed: [procedure name] 

Please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Procedures 



User value not provided 


GL procedure “GL Journal Entries Processed at the End of Year-End” cannot be executed: The number of days before year end has not been entered on CaseView document 250.IDEA.00 – Easy Integrate 

Enter a numeric value for the number of days before year end from which GL journal entries should be extracted. 

Easy Integrate: GL_Procedures 



General error 


IDEA® generated error message 

If you are unable to resolve the error and it is preventing you from proceeding, please contact Caseware Support and provide the error code, the error category and the error details. 

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