Whats new - Cloud 33.0
Caseware Cloud 33.0 features a new end user license agreement for client contacts, and major improvements to staff and group management for firms utilizing the business units feature.
All firms
End user license agreement for contacts
Client contacts will see a new end user license agreement (EULA) on their next Cloud login. They must agree to the EULA terms before they can access Cloud content.
Contact email addresses
For security reasons, client contacts can no longer modify their own email address. This is now reserved for administrators or staff with the Edit contact permission.
Business unit enabled firms
Centralized staff management
Administrators can now manage staff organization-wide using the new centralized Global Staff app. This enables administrators to make global changes to staff information, including assigned roles and business units.
For more information, see Manage staff across business units.
Centralized group management
Administrators can now manage groups organization-wide using the new centralized Global Staff Groups app. This enables administrators to make global changes to groups, including assigned staff, roles and business units.
For more information, see Manage groups across business units.
Organization and content roles
Roles are now divided into organization roles and content roles based on their scope. Existing system-wide roles (with the exception of the Entity Admin role) are now organization roles, which grant users permissions across all business units. Existing entity and content roles (with the addition of the Entity Admin role) are now content roles, which grant users permissions at the business unit level.
For more information, see Built-in roles.
Cross-business unit entity selector
The entity selector now lists all entities that the current staff member has access to, across all business units. This enables staff to efficiently navigate between entities without the need to manually switch business units first. Additionally, staff no longer need to select a business unit on login, they will automatically connect to their last accessed business unit.
For more information, see Navigate business units.
Whats new - Cloud 32.5
Find out what’s new in Caseware Cloud 32.5.
Lockdown status and date columns
Scheduled lockdown information from the Target lockdown days feature (enabled in the settings for your firm’s Cloud Engagements product) now displays in the app engagement list under the Lockdown status and Lockdown date columns. The Lockdown date column displays the date when the engagement is scheduled to lock down and the Lockdown status column automatically updates when the date is reached.
Copy engagements from other entities
You can now create new engagements by copying existing engagements from other entities. When you create a new engagement, you’ll find options to select the entity and source engagement to copy. Or, if you’re viewing an existing engagement, you can preselect it as the source for a new engagement.
Whats new - Cloud 32.2
Caseware Cloud 32.2 addresses the needs of your organization’s unique environment with support for mergers, acquisitions and divestitures.
Mergers, acquisitions and divestitures
If your organization is merging with another, or made a recent acquisition, you can now connect their Cloud site with yours. Once connected, you can work seamlessly between both sites and share entities and engagements between them.
Contact your local distributor for assistance on getting started.
Whats new - Cloud 32.0
Does your organization want to standardize administration across multiple offices? Does your firm want more control over how they achieve compliance with auditor independence standards? Do you manage multiple Cloud sites and want to simplify the process?
Caseware Cloud 32.0 introduces business units, our solution to help your organization solve these challenges and more.
Business units
Business units help organizations manage their staff and entities across multiple interconnected Cloud sites. Staff can access content across all the sites where they have access.
For more information or help getting started, contact your local support representative.
New APIs
We’ve added new APIs for engagements, group management and staff assignments. Organizations can utilize these APIs to retrieve data and push modifications to these areas.